Upcoming events

Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School will be July 21-24, 6:00-8:15pm each night. Sign ups for kids will come soon, but if you’d like to volunteer, please register below!

Camp Siloam | completed 3rd-6th Grades | June 3-7 | $335

We have two spots left to register your 3rd-6th Grader for Camp Siloam. At Camp Siloam students will get the opportunity to experience gospel conversations in a concentrated time frame with camp pastors, staff, and the chaperones from The Crossing Church, who will be leading the small group times. We'll also have an unbelievable amount of fun with countless outdoor activities.

Sisterhood summer nights! | May 21, 6:30pm

This summer we want to continue focusing on building a strong community within the women in our church with "Sisterhood: Summer Nights!" Once per month this summer we will host an evening where women can come together and build deeper relationships. In this first summer nights gathering, we will meet at 1290 Greene Road 757, Paragould for a bonfire (weather permitting), worship, and a homily word of encouragement. Sign up today!

child dedication | June 16

Our annual child dedication service is right around the corner! Child dedications are a spiritually significant milestone for your whole family. When you dedicate your child, you’re choosing to make some parenting decisions that honor God, like displaying to them what a resilient disciple of Jesus looks like, inviting them into church family within a Missional Community, and obeying Jesus' command to live a missional life. And while it sounds like you’ve got more things to do, you’re actually lightening the load because you’re committing to do these things in partnership with our church family.

If you would like to participate in the June 16th child dedication, fill out the form below!

Crossingkids promotion sunday is june 2nd!

Promotion Sunday is coming up! This is the week that we move all the kids up a grade in our system. Our kids who just completed 5th grade transition out of CrossingKIDS and are invited to join Student Ministry this summer, and this year we have a large group of 5th graders promoting out of CrossingKIDS😢! We promote on the first Sunday of June every year for a few reasons: one this is a natural transition point for new 6th graders to begin joining student ministry for Wednesday nights while it's all about building relationships. Second, all the kids believe they're up a grade as soon as school lets out anyway, so we eliminate some confusion. 

With that, below you can find an updated map of how the classes will be laid out to start the 2024-25 year. We will be reducing back down to five classrooms per service, combining 3rd-5th grade all together, and they will meet in our newest room, which has been for 2nd-3rd graders this year. Our 1st-2nd graders will remain in the room they're in now as our Pre-K room becomes Pre-K AND Kindergarten together, keeping that group of kids together for another year as well. 

June 1 Softball Game, 4pm

Everyone interested in coming out for a Softball game (or two if we have enough interest!) is welcome to join us on June 1 at 4pm, at Rotary Park. You can sign up to play below, but if you just want to come cheer (or heckle), we hope to see you there!

New Student Orientation Lunch! June 9, 12pm

Whether your 5th grader is moving on to 6th grade, or you’re new to the student ministry, we’d love to have your family join us for the annual Student Ministry Orientation Lunch. At this lunch, Daniel will share ways that students can be involved with the student ministry this summer in our fun events, and then what our weekly DNA gatherings will look like when they kick back off in August!